

lundi 1 août 2011

Eat to Live Diet

The Eat to Live Diet was created by Dr. Joel Fuhrman as a way to show people how they can live healthier lives through better eating. The book focuses on becoming a healthier person and lowering your risk for disease as well as losing weight. Many people use Furhman’s eating plan in conjunction with other weight loss programs. This diet is often compared to Weight Watchers, but the list of allowed foods is much stricter and no counting is required.

Healthy Foods

One positive aspect of this diet is that eating natural, unprocessed foods is encouraged. Dr. Fuhrman believes that people who eat foods that are high in nutrients such as nuts, vegetables, fruits, and certain whole grains lose weight as well as increase their resistance to many diseases. The diet discourages followers from eating dairy, protein, and refined carbohydrates because they contain unhealthy fats and sugars and are not nutrient dense. Fast foods and other processed items are discouraged because they can actually contribute to the diseases that Dr. Fuhrman is helping patients to avoid.
This diet is very vegetarian friendly and has been shown to help people lose weight and people who have followed The Eat to Live Diet have reported lower cholesterol, more stable blood sugar levels, and reduced blood pressure.

No Portion Control

Because of the restrictive nature of this diet, portion control is not required. The premise is that people will naturally eat a smaller amount of nutrient dense, low calorie foods because they are high in water and fiber that help the stomach feel full faster. Eating only a minimal amount of animal proteins and dairy products has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer in some patients. Many diets are difficult to follow because the dieter is required to count calories or points, but this diet doesn’t require keeping track of portions as long as the right foods are consumed.


Many people who start The Eat To Live Diet are not in very good physical shape, so the exercise recommendation is a regimen of walking 30-45 minutes per day, at least five days per week. People that are in good physical condition will probably want to add more intense exercises to their daily routines to help them lose more weight and sculpt their bodies.


Diets that are very restrictive, such as this one, only work for people who are willing to change the way they eat long term. Eating large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables as well as sprouts and legumes is great for weight loss, but it requires more planning and preparation than many dieters are willing to put into it long term. Willpower is a big component and most people have a very hard time resisting things like birthday cake.
The Eat To Live Diet seems to work for the people who are able to restrict their diet to Dr. Fuhrman’s expectations. It is a difficult diet for most, but many people who have tried it believe that the end results are worth the effort and willpower it requires.

Lose Weight Fast

Is it really possible to lose weight fast?
The road to losing weight will certainly take some time but the longer you procrastinate the less weight you will lose. The good news is you can usually start seeing results of any weight loss program within a couple weeks and this is great motivation for many people.
As for how to lose weight fast, there are literally thousands of weight loss tips around and some people have better luck than others with each one. Success can depend on many factors such as your personal dedication, your body and your lifestyle.
While its easy to get trapped in the vicious cycle of ordering every weight loss program you should always start by calculating your BMI and speak with a licensed health professional. Weight loss tips and programs are often built around common techniques which work for most people however sometimes no matter what you do it can seem impossible to lose weight. This is why consulting with your doctor is extremely important before starting any weight loss program.
  • Are you allergic to anything?
  • What is your BMI?
  • Do you have heart problems?
  • Any pre-existing conditions?
People who are overweight often have other medial problems related to their weight and some of these can be severe yet unknown so diet and exercise plans should be designed with your entire medical profile in mind.
What about Weight Loss programs who offer to Lose Weight Fast?
Any company who offers weight loss programs can certainly make this claim since even if you lose a pound this week the claim is actually true. Think about it – you lost weight in a week and that was pretty fast but a couple pounds is probably only a fraction of your goal.
Never underestimate how many marketing dollars are put into making you believe one weight loss program is better than another as most are pretty much the same except for different techniques.
Find the program that fits your lifestyle, speak to your doctor and commit to a healthier routine – these three steps will help you build the will power needed to transform your weight to a healthier level.


If you want to learn how to lose weight then you are on the right page. We have gathered the top 50 ways to lose weight in a healthy manner without resorting to unhealthy diets or fad products. These tips range from lifestyle changes, to ways on how to control your hunger, how to minimize the calories you consume and how you can improve your activity and exercise levels.You can read the 50 easy ways to lose weight below but first let us explain the basics of healthy weight loss.  


Despite of what you may have read so far about losing weight the basic rules of weight loss or the weight loss equation as we like to call it is simple. It is based on one simple fact: 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories. This means that if you consume an extra 3500 calories (through food) you will gain weight and if you manage to burn 3500 calories more (through diet, physical activity and exercise) than what you need you will lose 1 pound. The steps to lose weight are straightforward:
First you need to calculate your daily calorie requirements.
You can use our calorie calculator to find out how many calories you need per day to maintain your weight. This number is based on your gender, age, weight, height and activity level.
The next step is to use our food journal to calculate the number of calories you consume on a daily basis and the number of calories you burn through exercise and activity. Then by applying the weight loss formula (daily calories – (calories consumed - calories burn)) you will find out how many calories you need to consume in order to lose weight.

For example: If your daily calorie needs are 1500 and you consume 2000 calories by eating and you only burn 200 calories then each single day you consume 300 calories more than what you need (1500 – (2000 – 200)) = -300. As a result you will gain 1 pound every 12 days or about 3 pounds per month.
How to lose weight? In order to reverse the situation and start losing weight you need to reduce the calories from food and start burning more calories through exercise and activity. If for example you follow an 1800 calorie diet and burn 500 calories on a daily basis you will lose about 2 pounds per month. The equation becomes (1500 – (1800-500) =200 calories saving per day which is equivalent to 6000 calories per month or around 2 pounds.

samedi 30 juillet 2011


The Scarsdale diet is a rapid weight loss regimen classified as a very low-calorie diet, or VLCD. It is also one of the oldest low-carbohydrate diets still followed by some dieters. Although the first edition of The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet was published in 1978, over a quarter-century ago, the book is still in print as of early 2007. It is reported to be particularly popular in France in the early 2000s.


The Scarsdale diet began as a two-page typewritten office handout drawn up in the 1950s by Dr. Herman Tarnower, a cardiologist who had built a medical center in Scarsdale, a middle- to upper middle-class community in Westchester County, New York. Tarnower had written the short reducing guide for patients who needed to lose weight for the sake of their hearts; he was not a professional nutritionist or dietitian. The two articles that he published in medical journals have to do with fever as a symptom of a heart attack and with management of congestive heart failure. His primary motive in writing down his diet plan was impatience; he disliked having to spend time explaining nutrition or other health issues to his patients and so chose to make up a weight-reduction handout. Tarnower gave an interview shortly before his death to the journal Behavioral Medicine, in which he stated, ‘‘If you don’t have a routine written out that you can give to patients with common disorders, it will destroy you. You try to go over all the instructions with each patient, but no physician has that much patience.’’
Tarnower’s patients often copied the diet for their friends, who in turn sent photocopies to other friends. At some point in the mid-1970s, following the early success of the Atkins diet, one of Tarnower’s friends, Oscar Dystel, suggested that he expand his office handout into a full-length book. Tarnower hired a writer, Samm Sinclair Baker, who had published other books in the field of nutrition, and the first edition of The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet was printed in 1978. It became an immediate bestseller, going through 21 printings in its first ten months in hardcover format. Tarnower’s book became the choice of four book clubs; it sold the second-highest number of copies (over 642,000) of hardcover books published in 1979, outdone only by a humorous book by Erma Bombeck. According to Time magazine, Tarnower’s diet book grossed more than $11 million by the spring of 1980. Sinclair Baker’s most important contribution to the book was to suggest four new programs that represented variations on the basic diet: the Scarsdale Diet for Epicurean Tastes, the Scarsdale International Diet, the Scarsdale Vegetarian Diet, and the Scarsdale Money-Saver Diet. These will be described more fully below.
Tarnower’s book received an initial surge in sales when it was featured in such prestigious fashion magazines as Vogue, which ran an article on ‘‘the Scarsdale-diet rage’’ in 1979. It received an even bigger boost when Dr. Tarnower was shot and killed in March 1980 by Jean Harris, a long-term lover who was then the headmistress of a prestigious private school for girls in Virginia. The made-for-media aspects of the murder and the trial that followed guaranteed that the diet book would receive its share of attention from the press and the public.


The Scarsdale diet can be summarized as a very low-calorie low-carbohydrate diet with a slightly different ratio of carbohydrates,proteins, and fats. An adult woman who follows the diet exactly will consume between 650 and 1000 calories per day. The nutrient ratio, which is unusual for a low-carbohydrate diet, is 43% protein, 22.5% fat, and 34.5% carbohydrate.

Diabetic Diet

Diabetic Diet

The diabetic diet is well known and basically involves limiting your carbohydrate intake in order to control glucose levels. This specialized diet is for those people diagnosed with diabetes and is not meant for anyone else.
It's extremely important that you follow the diet plan prescribed to you. The diabetic diet can be individualized, making it difficult to write about one plan for all diabetics to follow.
The real challenge comes when you'd like to lose weight. A strict medical weight loss plan needs to be followed.

Weight Loss Medical Tips

  1. Acid Reflux Diet

The acid reflux diet is designed to minimize the amount of acid production AND to minimize the affects on the lower esophageal spchincter.
This type of specialized diet is for those diagnosed by a medical doctor with acid reflux disease. It is not meant for people with heart burn or irritable bowel syndrome. If you suffer from persistant heart burn, please see your doctor.
Acid reflux disease requires a specialized diet and a proper medical weight loss plan. The disease is defined by damage to your lower esophagus from persistant leakage of stomach acid through the lower esophageal schpincter.
The problem is not the acid but the muscle that forms the schpincter (or valve) which controls the passage of food and liquid into the stomach. A weak valve allows stomach acid to leak back through the valve and cause damage to the unprotected lining of the esophagus.
An acid reflux diet attempts to lower acid production and minimize the effects on the valve.
If you have acid reflux disease, following this type of diet is very important. Damage to the lower part of the esophagus can effect your swallowing and predispose you to esophageal cancer.
If you'd like to lose weight on the diet, then there are some basic rules you'll need to follow. This is where medical weight loss plans can help.

Learn How to lose weight

Do you want to slim down fast for that beach vacation or high school reunion? While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. While fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may indeed induce rapid weight loss, these methods can cause you to get gallstones, start losing muscle and hair and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. The best solution? Do not go for an overnight miracle. Instead, follow these steps to 
lose weight rapidly, healthily, and sustainably

Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you've identified

Cutting calories is usually a lot easier than you might think. For example, that daily tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of flab (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Other easy cuts include salad dressing (salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American woman's diet), soda pop, candy, and butter. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calorie, high-sugar foods. You don't need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you'll lose weight faster.


 Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential. By making time for exercise and other healthy, productive activities, you can also avoid temptation to overeat.

mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Hwo to Maintain Your Health

Don't smoke

Smoking and using tobacco are very dangerous habits. Smoking causes 440,000 deaths in the United States every year. More preventable illnesses (such as emphysema, mouth, throat and lung cancer, and heart disease) are caused by tobacco use than by anything else. The sooner you quit, the better.

Limit how much alcohol you drink in day or week.

This means no more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women. One drink is equal to 1 can of beer (12 ounces), a 4-ounce glass of wine or a jigger (1 ounce) of liquor.

Too much alcohol can damage the liver and contribute to some cancers, such as throat and liver cancer. Alcohol also contributes to deaths from car wrecks, murders and suicides.

 healthy food .

A healthy diet has many health benefits. Heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to your arteries can be linked to what you eat. By making healthier food choices, you can also lower your cholesterol and lose weight.

Exercise and sport .

Exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression. It can also help prevent colon cancer, stroke and back injury. You'll feel better and keep your weight under control if you exercise regularly. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week, but remember that any amount of exercise is better than none. 

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