Scarsdale diet
The Scarsdale diet is a rapid weight loss regimen classified as a very low-calorie diet, or VLCD. It is also one of the oldest low-carbohydrate diets still followed by some dieters. Although the first edition of The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet was published in 1978, over a quarter-century ago, the book is still in print as of early 2007. It is reported to be particularly popular in France in the early 2000s.

Diabetic Diet
The diabetic diet is well known and basically involves limiting your carbohydrate intake in order to control glucose levels. This specialized diet is for those people diagnosed with diabetes and is not meant for anyone else. It's extremely important that you follow the diet plan prescribed to you. The diabetic diet can be individualized, making it difficult to write about one plan for all diabetics to follow. The real challenge comes when you'd like to lose weight. A strict medical weight loss plan

Hwo to Maintain Your Health
here we give you some solutions to to Maintain Your Health and make it saf from any futur problems our blog has goals and these goals are help people to protect them selfs and keep away from danger

Learn How to lose weight
Do you want to slim down fast for that beach vacation or high school reunion? While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. While fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may indeed induce rapid weight loss,

samedi 3 mars 2012
Lose Weight Fast: How to Do It Safely
Choosing a Weight Loss Program
What Should I Look for In a Weight Loss Program?
- Make sure it is safe. Whether you create your own weight loss program or use a commercial one, make sure it is safe. A safe diet should include all of the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals, and protein. The diet should be lower in calories (energy) only, not in essential vitamins or minerals. In general, a diet containing 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day should be selected for most women; a diet between 1,200 calories per day and 1,600 calories per day should be chosen for men, however, speak with your doctor first.
- Slow, steady weight loss. The program should be directed toward slow, steady weight loss unless your doctor feels your health condition would benefit from more rapid weight loss. Expect to lose only about a pound a week after the first week or two. With many calorie-restricted diets, there is an initial rapid weight loss during the first one to two weeks, but this loss is largely fluid. The initial rapid loss of fluid also is regained rapidly when you return to a normal-calorie diet. Thus, a reasonable goal of weight loss should be expected. The rate of weight loss should be 1 pound to 2 pounds each week.
- Does the staff consist of qualified counselors and health professionals such as registered dietitians, doctors, and exercise physiologists?
- Are food choices flexible and suitable?
- Are weight loss goals set by the client and/or the health professional?
- What percentage of people complete the program?
- What is the average weight loss among people who finish the program?
- What percentage of people have problems or side effects? What are they?
- Is there a maintenance program to help keep the weight off once it's lost?
Want a better beginning to your weight loss plan? Get going with these tips from the experts.
- Am I ready to do this?
- Is my motivation coming from within?
- Can I deal with occasional setbacks or lack of progress?
- Can I focus on weight loss fully? (If you're in the midst of a job change or other distractions, for example, it might be better to resolve those issues, and then focus on weight loss efforts.)